I have a friend on Facebook whose status says "Suicidal - Standing on the edge of a cliff".
So I poked him...

Submitted by: giorgiss

'A Glasgow teenager has been charged by police after a photo of himself brandishing a machete was found on the social networking site Bebo.'
What a loser!
No-one uses Bebo any more.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Muslim women have a new social networking site

Submitted by: giorgiss

Earlier today I saw the facebook group "Kids vs Cancer". It turns out writing "My money is on cancer everytime" is one way to get quite a bit of hate mail.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Did you know people are getting paid to mention products in their Facebook statuses?
That's as crazy as the discounts at Dave's Furniture Emporium...

Submitted by: giorgiss

Now, I can't be sure but judging by various Facebook status updates, one would be forgiven for thinking it was snowing!

Submitted by: giorgiss

A religious person came up to me the other day and asked me if I believed in evolution or creationism.
I replied "I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?"

Submitted by: giorgiss

Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the people you may know feature on Facebook people that you do know, but deliberately choose not to be friends with?

Submitted by: giorgiss

Ok, so this girl on Facebook posted a status which read:
"How can I get rid of this morning sickness?"
Turns out replying, "Try a coat hanger" is a good way to get yourself deleted.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Hey kids, why don't you try a new social networking tool?
It's called, "outside".

Submitted by: giorgiss

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