Who else joins the 'Lost my phone, numbers please...' Facebook groups, just to rob the numbers of people you'd never normally get them off

Submitted by: giorgiss

Texting - Because a 5 minute conversation should take all day.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I just got a weird text from my best friend saying,
"Mate, I'm actually in the future right now and robots do absolutely everything for us humans"
Sent by my android.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I met this really cute girl I thought was way out my league last week in a club. I thinks she was a bit drunk but it seemed to help and I got her phone number! Now she texts me all the time:
'pls stop texting me'
'i dnt want u fllwing me agen'
'wht wer u doin in my grdn lst nite?'
'im goin 2 call the plc'

Submitted by: giorgiss

My wife was on the phone sorting out our insurance.
"And your postcode?", asked the operator.
"TW7 5HQ", my wife replied. "That's T for train, W for woman, H for house and Q for Cuba."
I swear to God I could've slapped her!

Submitted by: giorgiss

"iPad. There's no right way and no wrong way"- to hold it.
If only the iPhone was this advanced

Submitted by: giorgiss

I update my facebook status using my Blackberry so as people think I am out and have a life.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Did you know that the bluetooth mobile headset was invented by a German man?
Hans Free.

Submitted by: giorgiss

My wife asked "Did you remember to send that fax for me?"
"Yes" I replied "I sent it this morning."
"Ha got you!" she said "You didn't send it, I've just seen it on your desk."

Submitted by: giorgiss

"100 million Facebook users' data published"
I don't see what the fuss is about; if you go on sickipedia you can read their facebook status' first hand.

Submitted by: giorgiss

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