They say that being on the tube at rush hour is like being in a giant tin of sardines.
Personally i've never had my wallet nicked by a sardine...

Submitted by: giorgiss

There are many bad things that can happen to us in our lives.
We lose people close to us.
We lose our jobs.
We get cheated on by the people we love.
We experience many different feelings in our life times.
But we just get on with it.
The worst feeling imaginable, Is that moment when your index finger pokes through a thin piece of bog roll, mid-wipe.

Submitted by: giorgiss

So doctors want to ban smoking in cars...
What about if we smoke handsfree?

Submitted by: giorgiss

I think Tampax should change their slogan to "From our box, to yours".

Submitted by: giorgiss

My girlfriend bought a new toaster from argos last week. It wasn't working when she got home so she decided to ring the customer helpline.
The guy who answered the phone asked her for the barcode so he could see the product details.
'no problem' she said 'thin line, thin line, thick line...'

Submitted by: giorgiss

Two hipsters walk into a bar you've never heard of...

Submitted by: giorgiss

Lose 3.99 pounds a month by simply buying this magazine

Submitted by: giorgiss

Not saying lawyers nowadays are parasites or anything, but I saw one at the fairground yesterday, handing out whiplash claim forms to people getting off the dodgems.

Submitted by: giorgiss

The BBC are bringing out a new version of Dad's Army which will include a local gypsy traveller family.
Cant wait to see Captain Mainwaring say those immortal words "Dont tell him your name Pikey".

Submitted by: giorgiss

Was watching the adverts for piranha 3d.
It said" there is something in the water".
thought to myself,must be all the paki's after the floods

Submitted by: giorgiss

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